hello im from holland and im 15 years
birsthday : 13th may (same:) )
location: vogelenzang, dekenzondaglaan 60
i like to play in build servers like random
i use : WIRE,E2,TOOLS
im now making a color changere vry hard but fun
i have make a robot very hard!
i have a ddog diƫgo its almost 1 year
i have 1 brother no sister
ow yea and i hate school but i work hard on school for my job

my real name is : aleksandar mickalovski (its macadonish)
i like to play on xbox 360: cod 4, guitar hero 4/5

, assasin screed

and i play games on pc : css, gmod, team fortress 2, left 4 dead, world of warcraft.
my favorite gamemodes top 4 is

1. sandbox
2. zombiesurvive
3. wintersurvive
4. fload ( with the boats

i hope this is good