Name: Travis
Steam ID: Tradam99
In Game ID: .:~RND' =- Tradam99
Location: Meeker,OK
Education: High school YAY
Skills: basic HTML, some C++, video editing, video creating, and some site creation
Age: 16
Birth Day: 11-25-92 can i have an early admin present
i Think i would be a perfect admin i try to help when i can and i speak my mind about things that arent right and i think im a pretty well known person throught the community i play on zm and wiremod and i am rarely hated by people i try to be a nice person and i am wanting to learn how to be a good admin and if i am to become an admin i promise to do wats fair and be there when the players need me im online alot so no worries bout when im gonna be online. im not saying im perfect and i do screw up sometimes and i can admit that some people do not like me for who i am so there will be haters on this post but dont listen to them i am a nice person and i want to make the severs a better place to play on and actually making the game fun again and cannot wait for a response