I know i already did this but... im doing it again, but better!Hey I'm CrazySoap and i love the flood server

when i bought Garry's Mod, the first thing i played was flood, on RANDOM's server!
(only that one worked lol)I started using this name a long time ago... and now I use it everywhere

I normally play gmod at 9am~12am and 7pm~10pm, but sometimes i dont, i might be doing something else like... playing soccer

I own L4D,Half-life² death match, hl²:lost coast and GMOD in Steam, and i might buy the orange box (yay loads of gmod content

I also wanna buy CS:S, because in gmod, in some servers i have a lot of missing textures... and that sucks D:, and ALL the cool server/mods need counterstrike source, and this sucks too D:
And, I'm Brazilian

So... expect bad english sometimes(example:everything u've read 'till now

I guess that's it