Name: Phillip
Steam ID: YouseiD
In Game ID: Toasted
Friend(s):Insuranceguy 09, Dawned, Token, izak ...
Location: Brazil
Education: Currently in school.
Skills: Natural Player
Age: 15 almost 16
Birth Day: 09/16/93
Builds: My best are: Cars and Cannons

Games:Garry's Mod, CSS, Left 4 dead, DOD, HL2 and many games for the Xbox 360 and Wii.
I think I should be respected because:
I only play on random servers cause they are the best, nice people, awsome modes and lots of fun. But sometimes I get pissed with people that comes just to screw up with our game.
I won't abuse the votekick/ban control, only if its really nescessary xD.
I usually play prop hunt with insuranceguy 09 and izak.