Hi I'm Kill_N-Dark
Games i play the most
#1Garry's Mod
#2Cod 6
#4Empire total war
And more.......
About me
i don't really have much to say
I like to build and I'm a wiremod builder i like to help people out and respect other people who will respect me, i like to be with allot of players not to be alone and i help out people who need help for making e2 stuff I'm a very nice guy if you know me longer ,Most of the time i will stay home and play Garry's mod and build every day,its like a drug that u cant stop playing it is SO fun i wish that more people will be able play gmod and more server will be better at making server like you guys are the best RDM.
Time i play
Most of the time is 5 or 10 hour online every day
I do have a life
More about me
I'm a male almost 15 and i go school every day .
I'm good at math and histoy and i have a nice teacher
i always help out people and most people likes me.
and i Love gaming i will spend 80 % of life game .
i live at Beverly Hills, California, United States.
About my name
my name is Kill_N-dark first game i got was left 4 dead and when you killing zombie its going to be in night so i kill in the dark
why do i want to be a Admin?
really simple just wanted to help out and make the server a better place
question for me!
if theirs is any thing you guys wanted to ask me reply i will try my best to answer you and if u need help add me on steam it is Kill_N-Dark fell free to ask me any thing
I know this is like the last one i post but i really don't have that much to say but any ways thank you guys who support me and thank you for reading this and oh +1 pls

thanks alot if you do i give cookies.
yes guys i am a respected but im repected for 8 days sorry i will wait and pls dont put not nice comment