SteamID: Go on the server and CHECK! with the status command, .P
Friend(s): Banana Hat, Magic, Frank, RYU, Big_Noob,
Favourite subject(s): MATH, WIRE, GEOMETRY, SCRIPTIN, SDK, HAMMER, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, and some more which are disclosed
Birthday: 29.10 so give me prezzentz
Education: 9th grade math in some subjects(no trig yet cuz im a lazy bastard), basics in source sdk, some shiz in c++, Elementary GIMPSHOP stufzz, LoGiC!, and ofc the imagination to build smth.
Skills: A bit of Lua, a bit of E2, a bit of E,a bit of Python, C++,HTML,XHTML,a bit of Java, Gaming, Server administration(the big web servers

),Hax :O
Builds: Spaceships, trains, securitysystems, cars, planes, houses, traps, hovercraft,
Why?: Because i am online a bit more than the admins on the wire server(FACE THE TRUTH (lol)) and lots of people ask for an admin to give them the respect(which they have gotten apporved also) and i would love to help them out, also sometimes deuches come on and fuck with stuff, and sometimes no steam_id, so then i could kick them

multiple times and then no votes should be used.
Location: ESTONIA
How to contact me: XFIRE: Mingebagger
steam friends fucked up

What you should know: I am sometimes an ASS!, and fuck around ... Thatswhy i only !!! want to give out repsected status. And when i get Admin may you please remove every other abilities BUT votekick voteban and giving respected statuses...