[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Tiger Guy initiated vote 'Ban player ***S.o.U***_ myppl8 for 60 minutes?'
[SolidVote] Reason: a
[SolidVote] Dr. Octagonapus voted yes.
[SolidVote] Maverix26 voted yes.
[SolidVote] Mr.Breen voted yes.
[SolidVote] .:RND`=- Tiger Guy voted yes.
[SolidVote] Hunter

voted yes.
(Guest) Dr. Octagonapus: hahaha
[SolidVote] danieloliverosguerra voted no.
[SolidVote] Shadow the Hedgehog voted no.
[SolidVote] Riskii voted yes.
[SolidVote] HABBOYONATAN_1995 voted no.
[SolidVote] SpongeBobSquarePants voted yes.
[SolidVote] Malki Wolf voted yes.
[SolidVote] [FMH]๖ۜSharp|Knife[FR] voted yes.
[SolidVote] memo3300 voted yes.
[SolidVote] lEG of tRUTH [DG] voted yes.
(Guest) ***S.o.U***_ myppl8: wow im gonna report this
[SolidVote] hueso_pollo voted yes.
(Guest) Hunter

: uhm
[SolidVote] tbeyett voted yes.
(Guest) Dr. Octagonapus: fucking great
Player ***S.o.U***_ myppl8 left the game (Disconnect by user.)
[SolidVote] [GUN]SSG Tater Lord :/ voted yes.
(Guest) Mr.Breen: ok go
(Guest) Dr. Octagonapus: hahahaha
(Guest) Shadow the Hedgehog: Reason: a
(Guest) hueso_pollo: ole qe te pasa tengo 11 años
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
[SolidVote] ***S.o.U***_ myppl8 was banned for 60 minutes due to attempted evasion.
(Respected) memo3300: yo tengo 13 i tengo buen ingles
(Guest) hueso_pollo: obio qe es mierda
(Guest) danieloliverosguerra: yo tambien .D
(Guest) danieloliverosguerra:

(Guest) Mr.Breen: lol banned for 60 minutes
(Guest) hueso_pollo: el mio
(Respected) memo3300: for a
(Guest) danieloliverosguerra: a la mierda
Player Lockman (Admin of AllHail CSS) has joined the game
Lockman (Admin of AllHail CSS) (Country: United States) connected.
(Guest) hueso_pollo: suck my nuts
(Guest) Shadow the Hedgehog: any good micspam?
(Guest) SpongeBobSquarePants: thats me
(Guest) Mr.Breen: we need a dg
(Respected) memo3300: lol
(Guest) Shadow the Hedgehog:

(Guest) Mr.Breen: we need a dj
(Guest) hueso_pollo: dick head
(Guest) danieloliverosguerra: here!! D:
(Guest) [GUN]SSG Tater Lord :/: we sure do
(Guest) SpongeBobSquarePants: i fast head leg
(Guest) Shadow the Hedgehog: Music plzzzzzz
Player .:RND`=- Tiger Guy left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(Guest) hueso_pollo: be a la cama y resolbamos nuestros problems
(Guest) [GUN]SSG Tater Lord :/: you better run!
(Guest) danieloliverosguerra: turn on numb linkin park

(Guest) Mr.Breen: oh someone ragequit
[Zombie Survival]Dr. Octagonapus: aww tigerguy why did you leave =(
[Trouble in Terrorist Town]TheGreatGuy (Bullshit): NUUUU
Player bobosharkey has joined the game
bobosharkey (Country: United States) connected.
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Zombie Survival|Tick66|Fast DL- !
To view rules and/or a list of our servers and affiliates, type !motd in chat!
[Trouble in Terrorist Town]TheGreatGuy (Bullshit): Tiger Gay left
(Guest) hueso_pollo: olle caxas system of a down
(Guest) [GUN]SSG Tater Lord :/: hai guys! im da boogeyman
(Guest) danieloliverosguerra: voy a ir a comer i go to eat
(Guest) Mr.Breen: coo
(Respected) memo3300: i an going afk.... i need to read my holy book....
(Guest) danieloliverosguerra: /afk
[AFK Manager] gabirock was kicked for being AFK too long.
Player gabirock left the game ([AFK Manager] You were kicked for being AFK too long.)
(Guest) Mr.Breen: u do remeber when my soul was washed?
(Guest) [GUN]SSG Tater Lord :/: yes
(Guest) Mr.Breen: oh shit get back
(Guest) Hunter

: breen has no soul
(Guest) [GUN]SSG Tater Lord :/: you are one to talk 0_0
(Guest) Mr.Breen: i am talking
Player ***S.o.U***_ myppl8 has joined the game
***S.o.U***_ myppl8 (Country: United States) connected.
-ok... one hour of playing isent that space in console.. so he hacked to get in..
this is his steam ID
# 3319 "***S.o.U***_ myppl8" STEAM_0:1:30157286 05:50 162 0 active