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You all wanted to know - so here it is!
And you dare to title people as immature. Devie, I am disappoint.
Even if this is a joke you are being juvenile about it. You should stop condescending and start looking at what you say.
You will look back at this someday, Hopefully you can finish my sentence in a mature manner.
devvybabe ♥:
--- Quote from: Krasher on July 31, 2010, 10:13:54 AM ---And you dare to title people as immature. Devie, I am disappoint.
Even if this is a joke you are being juvenile about it. You should stop condescending and start looking at what you say.
You will look back at this someday, Hopefully you can finish my sentence in a mature manner.
--- End quote ---
And this comes from the guy who exploited my acc in search for naked pictures.
Tsk tsk.
And you dare call tiger guy a poser.
--- Quote from: Krasher on July 31, 2010, 10:13:54 AM ---And you dare to title people as immature. Devie, I am disappoint.
Even if this is a joke you are being juvenile about it. You should stop condescending and start looking at what you say.
You will look back at this someday, Hopefully you can finish my sentence in a mature manner.
--- End quote ---
Yeap, show-offing your admin by saying "JeaRous" at every sentence isn't so mature.
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: Krasher on July 31, 2010, 10:13:54 AM ---And you dare to title people as immature. Devie, I am disappoint.
Even if this is a joke you are being juvenile about it. You should stop condescending and start looking at what you say.
You will look back at this someday, Hopefully you can finish my sentence in a mature manner.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on July 31, 2010, 10:15:55 AM ---And this comes from the guy who exploited my acc in search for naked pictures.
Tsk tsk.
And you dare call tiger guy a poser.
--- End quote ---
I have yet to see when I was looking for Naked Pictures, and you believe I would think there would be any. Photobucket would remove them and your account. I was just following suit with Tomcat as I was on teamspeak and that is basically under the influence.
And you dare question my opinion on tiger guy.
Read it twice please.
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