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You all wanted to know - so here it is!
--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on July 31, 2010, 09:57:47 AM ---Oh god... Oh that totally hurt my feelings oh my god.. Ouch /sarcasm
You're trolling me for getting adminz. for what reason then if you're not butthurt and jeaRous?
It's either you just want attention or you are JeaRous and butthurt.
I mean you sez u gave a fuck about everything going on here and you show that by trolling?
Sanders give a fuck about everything going on here as well.
Why isnt he trolling?
Why isnt he acting in such an immature way?
Coolz is a smart guy. He's doing this for a reason.
and that reason will pwn everyone in rnd.
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I know it hurts your feelings that's why I wrote that [/sarcasm]
And I'm trolling cause I can, and cause it's fun, you should try it =P
And if you didn't notice I put "[/sarcasm]" in the end of the sentence.......idgaf about anything that happens here, I really don't lol
Coolz is doing this for a reason yeah......
Coolz: Show me bewbz and you get adminz
Devie: *shows bewbs*
Coolz: kthx your adminz
Community: *rage*
And that reason is making people leave RND.
devvybabe ♥:
--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on July 31, 2010, 10:02:18 AM ---Then why are you still butthurt about this. If you didn't care, you would of gotten over this by now.
And also, I made this just for you artik.
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That's not nice :/
--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on July 31, 2010, 09:11:03 AM ---They are butthurt and JeaRous so they are liek
omg omg omg i will -1 respect them because that will totally maek me feel betta and maek me less butthurt and JeaRous.
rofl. young kids are being young kids
--- End quote ---
I have generally lost respect for Tiger Guy, and you were doing some bandwagoning. Nothing about you can make anyone jealous, you really don't do much. At all.
Devie don't be condescending. Tiger Guy don't be an ass kisser/poser. Frank you aren't trolling even though your reply to this will state otherwise because you are so cool.
Why can't a consensus be made and everyone realize you all really mean nothing. Life is short so just get over it. DUN BE JEAROUS
--- Quote from: Krasher on July 31, 2010, 10:05:13 AM ---I have generally lost respect for Tiger Guy, and you were doing some bandwagoning. Nothing about you can make anyone jealous, you really don't do much. At all.
Devie don't be condescending. Tiger Guy don't be an ass kisser/poser. Frank you aren't trolling even though your reply to this will state otherwise because you are so cool.
Why can't a consensus be made and everyone realize you all really mean nothing. Life is short so just get over it. DUN BE JEAROUS
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This ^
--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on July 31, 2010, 10:02:18 AM ---Then why are you still butthurt about this. If you didn't care, you would of gotten over this by now.
And also, I made this just for you artik.
--- End quote ---
You butthurt? and because this is fun, I wrote this in the other posts if you didn't see lmao
devvybabe ♥:
This is so fucking fun man.
LOL I can't wait til coolz, moo and teeny come online.
Oh god this is just win.
I think I had some moo rub off on me.
I'm turning into a moo.
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