Okay, I'll respond to this.

Yes, a while ago we had problems with people spawning the Manhack gun, killing players, crashing the server, and what have you...
That was highly abusive, so I wrote some lua to strip that weapon from anyone who has it, as soon as they pick it up. Thats why you can spawn it, pick it up, but not have it... That will not be removed, too many people abused it, and ruined it for everyone else.
Second, there is another issue at hand here with the recent WireMod update... Now not sure if you know this or not, but Advanced Duplicator is part of WireMod... Let's see what I found after only looking for a few moments, shall we?
if (!SinglePlayer()) then
local function NoItems(Player, ClassName, EntTable)
if ( Player:IsAdmin( ) or Player:IsSuperAdmin() ) then return true end
if string.find(ClassName, "^weapon_.*")
or string.find(ClassName, "^item_.*")
or string.find(ClassName, "^npc_.*") then
MsgN("AdvDupe: disalowing ",tostring(Player)," pasting item ",ClassName," (NoItems Rule)")
AdvDupe.SendClientInfoMsg(Player, "Not allowed to paste Weapons or NPCs", true)
return false
return true
Basically what it's doing is, checking entities classes for the words "weapon_", "item_" or "npc_"... If the entities class contains any of those, it will not allow you to paste it.
Now lets say for instance, the mighty Manhack gun has a class name of "manhack_welder"... Well wouldn't you know, it doesn't contain the word "weapon" anywhere... That being said, Advanced Duplicator won't allow you to paste weapons, and you can still paste the Manhack gun. Yet the lua I wrote to strip you of it, removes it. That is working as intended, as I said too many people abused it, and I did something about it.
Now you mentioned spawning weapons in case you get weapon stripped. A perfectly valid situation...
The WireMod developers are the ones who are preventing you from pasting legitimate weapons. I suggest you should go complain to them about it, Advanced Duplicator is in their hands, not ours. They are the ones who changed it, not us.
I hope this clears up the situation a bit, bottom line. It will remain this way unless a WireMod developer changes it.
And just why are you trying to obtain Admin only weapons anyway?