Author Topic: My rnd group request ^_^  (Read 401 times)

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Offline Tabitha

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My rnd group request ^_^
« on: July 26, 2010, 04:48:25 AM »
Sorry guys I'm more active lately but uh I haven't been invited to the steam group so I have my request here! read on!!!:

My names Tabitha My second names Orego

My In game name is Tabitha De La Valliere

I am respected,I have a admin app here's the link in case you wanna read it:,4871.0.html .

I am 18, I am so used to 17 cuz I turned 18 this year XD.

As you should know I am awesome when it comes to building,I sometimes get depressed and think everyone is so much better then me but when I learn something else I feel awesome! I am awesome when it come's to sled build, Sometimes I sorta screw my sled up and I weld it to the ground and it fly's away and dissapears.....FOREVER!  :'(.
oh and the cake is ready! be right back!

back. in TTT I'm okay but could be better,I always seem to team up with the traitor,Is very annoying.  :-[

I am VERYactive on the server's forums not as much but I am active.

I am still learning about forums cuz when I joined on the day (I would have joined earlier but I didn't know much about internet and forums then :( ) I was all WHOA WTF!!!

I just learned how to use the images thing XD so I hope you understand why all my recent posts have images right?

I hardly rage anymore I used to I admit but not as bad as SOME PEOPLE I know >_> (stares over THERE)

I usually keep my head cool if someone is screwing around I don't type anything like "LISTEN FUCKING ARSEHOLE LISTEN TO ME YOUR GONNA STOP WHAT YOUR DOING OR I WILL VOTE BAN/KICK YOU OKAY? NOW FUCKING STOP!"
I usually type "Dude stop please if you don't stop in 10 seconds I'm gonna take action and vote kick you if you come back and keep doing it I will vote ban you capiche?"
My response would be "Make a sandvich? bish? Bicht? please if your gonna attempt to insult me do it in better grammar otherwise it just won't work oh and by the way stop >doing whats violating the rules< and I won't vote kick you."

Get what I'm saying? COOL I'm glad were on the same page. :laugh:

     My Darlin Darlin Please!
                                                                     I really prefer the summer outfits
                                                                     Kya! wah! Good! (Cute)<3

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Re: My rnd group request ^_^
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2010, 04:52:58 AM »
Lol, you don't need to make an app for invite to steam group xD
But it just shows you aren't lazy and that you're a good RND member =P

Just PM Coolz to invite you to the group.

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Re: My rnd group request ^_^
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2010, 08:48:30 AM »
Lol, you don't need to make an app for invite to steam group xD
But it just shows you aren't lazy and that you're a good RND member =P

Just PM Coolz to invite you to the group.

Nice app btw.

Offline Tabitha

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Re: My rnd group request ^_^
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2010, 10:43:35 PM »
Thanks guys,Will do.
     My Darlin Darlin Please!
                                                                     I really prefer the summer outfits
                                                                     Kya! wah! Good! (Cute)<3