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yomo might be gay?

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--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on July 24, 2010, 01:43:05 PM ---1. No he does not NEED TO.. That's what makes him funny. Other than that hes just another minge.
2. Shit has nothing to do with anything.
3. Number 2 just proved to me (idk about everyone else) that yomo might possibly be a homosexual because someone (cake face) has already seen and possibly played with his "wang" according to that post.
4. If it's a small cock, its not called a cock.

--- End quote ---

1. What she said ^
3. Watch some asian porn and understand.
4. Magina.
5. Did you notice that there is no 2? =O

Tiger Guy:
I think yomo is just a really funny bullshiter/manipulator.

devvybabe ♥:

--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 24, 2010, 01:46:12 PM ---
3. Watch some asian porn and understand.

--- End quote ---

lol asian stereotypes.
so in Asian porn they have tiny dix, that means all asian guys have tiny dicks?

Idgaf actually nvm

Tiger Guy:
Yomo might need some of this

Extenze Skit: Deleted Scenes


--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on July 24, 2010, 01:52:31 PM ---lol asian stereotypes.
so in Asian porn they have tiny dix, that means all asian guys have tiny dicks?

Idgaf actually nvm

--- End quote ---

Alex not Asian, so dw.


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