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yomo might be gay?
--- Quote from: Ruben on July 23, 2010, 09:05:11 PM ---I knew this like a year ago :C. i saw a photo of him with Ricky Martin.
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WB RUBEN, and lol.
Loobin sometimes goes on TS.
You guys are nigger so you don't use it. That's why you haven't seen him.
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: Franchu95 ! on July 24, 2010, 07:06:45 AM ---Loobin sometimes goes on TS.
You guys are nigger so you don't use it. That's why you haven't seen him.
--- End quote ---
He was showing some funny pictures this morning, but some were gross...
devvybabe ♥:
--- Quote from: Cake Face on July 22, 2010, 11:27:15 AM ---Yomo needs to lern2english or get a better translator.
Btw, jap = small cocks. I'd be hard to do anything with that.
--- End quote ---
1. No he does not NEED TO.. That's what makes him funny. Other than that hes just another minge.
2. Shit has nothing to do with anything.
3. Number 2 just proved to me (idk about everyone else) that yomo might possibly be a homosexual because someone (cake face) has already seen and possibly played with his "wang" according to that post.
4. If it's a small cock, its not called a cock.
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