yeah ive got an idea. we need a AWP, or some sort of sniper rifle. Not just the crossbow. Add a MAC 10, give it infinity ammo but lower the damage to 1, add the grenades, make them same damage as RPG lol so you can throw stuff into peoples boats, also, could you enable duplicator? I highly doubt it since you could just spawn a boat ultra quick, but ive made some boats that I would love to spawn quick. Another thing, please enable the repair tool!! I hate having to sell the parts of my boat and replace them for them to be new again. Add, um lol, thinking... thats all I can think of. Mabye a pulse rifle, but make it cost a shitload. like 50K dollars. People who are on alot easily have that kind of money i have 100K.
an goddamn lol i need to find something to do so I don't have to troll on the forums all day long.