Hey .
My name is piggy and I looove to play on Winter Survival . I think it is one of the best game modes (other than space build)

In winter survival i love the start of every round where you panic to get the right stuff , to make a fire

The thing that makes me laff is when there is one fire and there is like eight people around it

Now about me !
Born : I was born in england ! (we failed at the world cup

) I was born in 1996 July 23 (which makes me 13) Im 14 really soon
Interests - I love playing computer and i am just starting to learn to program C# (any help would be appreciated !!!!

Name origins : well , i was originally called spider dude. And someone obviously thought Spider , i know !!! Spider pig. Then I changed it to Spider pig , and in time i just lost the spider and kept it as Piggy

In total i just love to mess around on all severs making stuff and exploring new things

I havent really met any of the admins or people on rdm but i really like the severs.
Building hobbies : in wire severs i just like to build Flying houses and use vector thruster powerd cars

I like to store the cars on grabbers in mu house

Friends : I have some friends from other severs i have been to , but dont know any one from rdm really .
My steam id is : Mark_berrow (feel free to add me

Any ways , thats me
