Hello guys, you probably don't know me, but im started to get tired of not being able to play this game the way it is meant to be played. Right now it is a very harsh environment here for newbies, more and more I am seeing newbies thinking that the goal of this game is to kill as fast as they can, I would like to create some better guidelines for them to read but as of now the main problem is that there is no way to enforce how the majority of the players in the server want to play like how is said in the "Rules" thread.
For example, earlier everyone but two people in the server were working on a settlement (The gamemode is called Winter Survival - Settlement after all) and there were at least 5 or 6 people working on this place. While we were all busy in our inventories combining items, gathering food, working together with 3 huts up and 4 more in my inventory with some fences. We are bombarded with rapid fire arrows ruining the experience for everyone for the rest of the map due to it taking at least 30 minutes for us to get to that point.
The sad thing is, there is no one to help us and these people will come every day and stay for hours. For the sake of Winter Survival, this must change, perhaps somehow a vote at the beginning of each round for either tribal warfare or settlement mode, if that could be implemented somehow then in settlement mode it could auto-kill you if you kill someone or maybe more than one person and tribal mode being open warfare.