H4x, and Itchy, you know that you need to get scripts for each character?
HerpWHAT i missed it?
No,no, I meant the story board

I won't have much time to work on it today though
Basic Idea:After the fire stops, the detective examines the ventilation shaft and confirms that someone had placed a c4 there intentionally.
He tells everyone to gather what they can, because the warehouse is no longer a safe place to stay.
After a scavenging montage (or something to show the passage of time), Chump 1 is knifed by an Anonymous traitor and falls out a window, directly in front of trigger happy and someone else (doesn't REALLY matter).
After this scene, I may put in an extra scene that shows camper attempting to build a barricade in the 'ammo room,' only to be interuptted by Wanna-be detective telling him to pack up his belongings.
Then, the episode ends in a cliff-hanger. APC's pull up to the edge of the map, maybe have the camera zoom in on the 'CRIME SCENE, DO NOT CROSS' tape, and then it shows the CT's have arrived. Sniper goes like O SHI-.