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Near-death experiences?

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When I was a kid I put the truck into neutral while my dad was getting something in the store.
Behind the truck was a highway
We were on a slope
My sister was screaming
we actually went out onto the highway


was in a pool as a kid
brother was in a big ass floaty thing
I was under it
I started running out of air
Brad comes up for air
Floaty thing blocking way up
Brad not good swimmer
I only made it because my brother fell off the floaty


Brad has a blanket around it him because it is winter
Blanket catches on fire


I went canoeing yesterday
Not Fun
Rock hits canoe
canoe goes sideways
anyone who has gone canoeing, know that a canoe sideways is a one way trip to hell
boat tips



--- Quote from: Кгձรհεг on July 18, 2010, 05:46:48 PM ---When I was a kid I put the truck into neutral while my dad was getting something in the store.
Behind the truck was a highway
We were on a slope
My sister was screaming
we actually went out onto the highway


was in a pool as a kid
brother was in a big ass floaty thing
I was under it
I started running out of air
Brad comes up for air
Floaty thing blocking way up
Brad not good swimmer
I only made it because my brother fell off the floaty


Brad has a blanket around it him because it is winter
Blanket catches on fire


I went canoeing yesterday
Not Fun
Rock hits canoe
canoe goes sideways
anyone who has gone canoeing, know that a canoe sideways is a one way trip to hell
boat tips


--- End quote ---

Poor brad, but this shud be story about Fag, not your friend Brad

um...where do i start?
when i was 3or 4 i fell down the apartment stairs and hit my head on a corner
when i was6 or 7 my brother was climbing a tree and fell-when he hit the ground there was a stick sticking out of his lower jaw-he made it with nothing but a faint scar
when i was nine i wanted to hang with the big kids on the playground and started to climb a 10 foot pole and fell.-the ground was mulch.i sat there disoriented for a few, then sat up, and a ll hell broke loose. everyone started screaming and i did not know why. turns out there was blood running down my face. do u want to know how big the hole on my forehead was? the size of a needles tip.
when i was 12 i went on the Jurassic park ride at universal and on the big water drop started to fall out of it with sharp metal beams above me. dads girlfriend held me in.


--- Quote from: dblxross on July 18, 2010, 05:56:07 PM ---when i was 12 i went on the Jurassic park ride at universal and on the big water drop started to fall out of it with sharp metal beams above me. dads girlfriend held me in.

--- End quote ---

rate the tit. was she old? :o

lol no way she was like 25- 9.0/10


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