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Near-death experiences?
...if you've had any. The name kinda explains the topic.
When I was about five a huge, old-timey 50-pound TV fell about five feet onto me. I didn't get hurt, but I was told I was lucky to be alive.
You guys?
--- Quote from: Seb on July 18, 2010, 04:22:16 PM ---...if you've had any. The name kinda explains the topic.
When I was about five a huge, old-timey 50-pound TV fell about five feet onto me. I didn't get hurt, but I was told I was lucky to be alive.
You guys?
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nearly electrocuted self when 3... I LIKED METAL CLOTHES HANGERS :D
i fainted on teh stairs... fail
i smashed face first into metal/ice ski ramp when i was out of control :l
I was almost assasinated by a ninja pirate but luckily he missed and i escaped with 1 arm only.
I think about all the things that could possibly hurt me even in my own home. Like theres a sharp corner right where im standing and if i fall it could hit me in the head or pierce right through my eye.
Or a sudden earthquake could bring the whole house down
or i get some disease that no doctor can cure.
But mostly im worried about corners, call it a mental disease?
Once, I fapped so hard I almost burn my penor.
--- Quote from: Franchu95 ! on July 18, 2010, 05:02:02 PM ---Once, I fapped so hard I almost burn my penor.
--- End quote ---
use lube
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