Entertainment > Games
Any good free MMORPGS?
Runes of Magic?
Mabinogi? I play it and it's nice.
Europe version: http://mabinogi.nexoneu.com/NXEU.aspx?PART=/MAIN
Runescape was good back when we could merchant sell things. You could have 0 skills in everything and be rich as fuck if you knew how to merchant trade.
--- Quote from: Sanders on July 18, 2010, 03:30:14 PM ---Runescape was good back when we could merchant sell things. You could have 0 skills in everything and be rich as fuck if you knew how to merchant trade.
--- End quote ---
You can still merchant I have friends who do. Its like buying stocks they have a GE page that shows the raise and drop in prices of items in RS here: http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/a=135/frontpage.ws
I mean back when you stay in that one town..... whats it called.... the one that was in the top right of the free user map, and spam "SELLING SARA RUNE 3m @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
Edit I have like over 5 m on my old acct, it makes me want to look again.
Edit: looking
Edit: back when I played, saradomin rune armor went for under 3 m. Now just the platebody is worth almost 3 mil.
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