Entertainment > Games

Any good free MMORPGS?

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--- Quote from: Sanders on July 18, 2010, 03:56:24 PM ---I mean back when you stay in that one town..... whats it called.... the one that was in the top right of the free user map, and spam "SELLING SARA RUNE 3m @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"

Edit I have like over 5 m on my old acct, it makes me want to look again.

Edit: looking

Edit: back when I played, saradomin rune armor went for under 3 m. Now just the platebody is worth almost 3 mil.

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oh, that people still do "that" what you do is buy a few sets of high price armor for the lowest price, log off and wait a few days. Log back on when the purchase goes through, and sell it to the GE for max price you can make millions per sell this way...  Also the link I gave you can help with this if you sell at the right time.


--- Quote from: Sanders on July 18, 2010, 03:56:24 PM ---I mean back when you stay in that one town..... whats it called.

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Varrock or Warrock something like that Lol

Old picture but you ge the point Lol

this is just some stuff i have in the bank Lol (When i took the pictures)

God, runescape.
Haven't played that in ages now.

here is my shit. I think ill play a little bit for nostalgia sake.

Thats right, lvl 73 mining. I be mining adamantite and i doesnt afraid of anything.


--- Quote from: Sanders on July 18, 2010, 04:13:11 PM ---here is my shit. I think ill play a little bit for nostalgia sake.

Thats right, lvl 73 mining. I be mining adamantite and i doesnt afraid of anything.

--- End quote ---

My states are different from that picture Lol thats from my alt account not my main :P i haven't been on in years....


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