Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps
Nailcannon`s Awesomtastic admin app
I know nailcannon. He's a great guy ingame. He really really needs to be more active on the forums though.
Fine ill be more active on forums lol.
good guy and all... inactive on forums and shitz...
No because
1.You didn't give a good enough reason why you said no to me.
2.Add a bit about yourself it's always nice to know people apart from names and age.
3.I never see you on.
4.Your avatar is ridiculous (though that doesn't really matter.)
5.More infomation about what you can build and shit like that put more into the app make it stand out like a huge font.
You're old enough.
It seems like Don & Itchy seems to like you.
I like you.
You sound like a decent guy.
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