Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps

Nailcannon`s Awesomtastic admin app

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--- Quote from: Tabitha on July 23, 2010, 09:50:13 PM ---No because

1.You didn't give a good enough reason why you said no to me.
2.Add a bit about yourself it's always nice to know people apart from names and age.
3.I never see you on.
4.Your avatar is ridiculous (though that doesn't really matter.)
5.More infomation about what you can build and shit like that put more into the app make it stand out like a huge font.

--- End quote ---
1. you vote no for me because i voted no to you? weak. and i did give you a reason. i never seen you on.
2.i agree on that part.
3. im on ingame mostly either in ttt, build or lately some fretta. but im on like all day.
4. sorry its not a super cute kitty.
5. also agree.
i guess ill repost in a few days when i get the time.

Since this app., I must say I have met you, and you are a really good guy. I can't say you would be the best admin in the world, but you would definetly be a good one.

I vote...



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