I found that that theres not enough adminz in the server at a time, so if we catch a hacker red-handed he can be insta-banned. so i am going to have a go, and yes i am still a noob but alot of people like me in random servers.
Age: 15
Name: Aden Cook (ingame name .:RND`=- RoflCopter)
Location: Australia, QLD
Most Gamemodes Played in:Trouble in terrorist town and flood (sometimes)
I Have Built: Car, rocket ship in space build and a retarted map in source SDK
I want to be admin because alot of people like me and im not very much of a minge. People say no because i kick random people and those who think i didnt have a reason well sorry because i realized what ive done and will try not to do it ever again. i have been told by people that you have to know script and mapping...is that true? because i DONT know anything about script and can only build retarted maps in SDK.
So will i still be able to have a chance at being admin?
Please say yes in comments because its worth it