These are my suggestions to what that should do for ZS,but not for an update,but more like another zs gametype,
THESE ARE MY OPINIONS AND SUGGESTIONS OKAY! Human fixes: 1 fall death needs fixing,like on reactor,when I fall all the way from the top to the bottom I dont die,but when I fall down from the broken staircases which are only like a couple of meters I die 2.Ammo regen needs a little more ammo 3.Need to have some kinda bar for the armor power up 4.prop death needs fixing like if i just tap one of those brown edged tables at the bottom of it on 4ngry i explode and die 5.crossbow is kinda weak,do a little damage tune up but not to much chargers might need just a tad faster regen not really 7.smg ammo NEVER regens,make it regen after every ammo regen,instead of having to wait 5 ammo regens to get an smg regen 8.battleaxe is shit,the damage and accuracy need a big tune up,it sucks ass,bullets scatter all over the damn place
Zombie fixes: 1.Fast zombies need a damage upgrade the attack is kinda weak,and plus you need to at least be able to walk and attack 2.the poison zombies poison doesnt really effect that much,it needs a tune up 3.wraiths shouldnt have that attack defect when you use your attack you freeze for a moment,even though the wraiths attack is really powerful 4.headcrabs need a damage upgrade definatly,fast headcrabs attack are weak as hell with one hit,even though they are hard to hit 5.zombines,we want zombines

Other suggestions: 1.need some better maps,I know theres alot of good maps already like fort,fear station,and motel,but add some more good maps that arent on the server,like the nacht der untoten map,its on another zs server and i love that map 2.a couple more weapons but not to many,how about a sniper or 2,and maybe a better choice of melee weapons that you can get as powerups like katanas,or spears? (okay that might be going a little to far) 3.background music,come on arent you tired of hearing: dun dun dun dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN 4.hmmmm how about vehicles or mounted turrents? 5.ranking system? that would be kinda cool,level up from total mindge to complete douche bag able to turn and spin props when holding them,im tired of pushed a prop up against a wall just to get it to stand up straight Okay thats all,some of these ideas might be going a little to far and are bad,but some are good,i think all this should be in a completly new ZS update,well not an update more like a completely different zombie survival gametype,like a ZS2 typa thing,well thanks for reading,please dont leave any douche bagery comments,like i said,these are just MY suggestions and opinions,not yours