
Which options should be updated?

9 (30%)
Annabelle / Crossbow damage / FIX ANIMATIONS
5 (16.7%)
Fall/prop damage / FIX ANIMATIONS
7 (23.3%)
4 (13.3%)
5 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Author Topic: So ZS needs an update  (Read 1733 times)

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Offline Seb

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So ZS needs an update
« on: July 16, 2010, 03:23:49 PM »
I was on ZS a few days ago and the conversation turned to how unbalanced the server is. So we all started counting problems with the server and I decided I was the one that was gonna have to make the thread about this.

What most people agreed on were:

1. Make the HEV charge actually WORK (so that people who have 10HP left in a map without an HP Machine and get ten kills and get hEV charge won't be like FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU-).

2. Annabelle and Crossbow are ridiculously underpowered. The crossbow is, what, a 35 kill weapon and it can't kill a fast zombie in one hit? And the Annabelle can't even kill a wraith in one hit! Glock and Deagle are still underpowered, but not as much. Before you say "pros are good with glock/deagle",I'm really good with those two handguns (in ZS), but it's still really annoying to put up with them.

3. Ammo regen SUCKS. ESPECIALLY the SMG ammo regen. I'm going to put it this way: ALL the upgraded handguns (Magnum, Glock, Deagle) get more than one clip per ammo regen (but still, come on, a clip and a half per minute is very frustrating). One SMG gets a whole clip per ammo regen, another might as well get just one clip per ammo (an extra two bullets! oh boy!), and the other two take two ammo regens for a single and a little extra. Please, fix this.

4. The fall damage/prop damage. I can't even begin to stress how bad it is. The fact that you die if 1) you fall 15 feet   2) If the prop you're standing on makes the slightest nudge is the main argument for my sister on why her favorite server is better than mine (I like the RND ZS because it feels more realistic than ($> ZS, but that's about it).

The only way to get kills on ZS is to wait until someone ALMOST kills a zombie and then shooting it. Because otherwise you're wasting 18 bullets into a Zombie just to have someone else shoot it. It's annoying as hell. And yes, assists WOULD fix this, Mr. Green for example doesn't have killstealer en masse. >_>

6. Fix animations.

The tl;dr version...

1: HEV charge needs to work.

2: Annabelle/crossbow/glock/deagle need more power.

3: Need moar bullets per ammo regen.

4. Prop damage/fall damage. Any damaging fall is a killing fall and a prop will either do 5 damage or over 9000 damage.

5. Assists.

6. Fix animations.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 03:44:29 PM by Admiral Ackbar »

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2010, 03:28:05 PM »
To the ammo regenerate thingie.
If you want ammo for a specific Gun, just drop all guns except the one you want ammo for, then pick them all up again. Simple as that.
I agree with the other ones though, and have to add one damn thing.
The only way to get kills on ZS is to wait until someone ALMOST kills a zombie and then shooting it. Because otherwise you're wasting 18 bullets into a Zombie just to have someone else shoot it. It's annoying as hell. And yes, assists WOULD fix this, Mr. Green for example doesn't have killstealer en masse. >_>

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2010, 03:31:21 PM »
I dont find anything wrong with the deagle or glock, if all handguns were like the magnum it would be near impossible for zombies.

crossbow is pretty shitty and so is the annabelle, uping the dmg on these two will help.

No HUD for HEV charge

Too much ammo for smg = zombies rage quitting

props = I wish i could say get rid of that but its just one of the things about RND zs that cant be changed


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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2010, 03:32:55 PM »
1. It's more fun when it's random

2. Completely incorrect

3. It's fine

4. Yes

5.Fix animations
you got it

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2010, 03:38:43 PM »
No HUD for HEV charge

We can overlay the health with an orange bar for HEV charge, like in those Dragonball Z games.

props = I wish i could say get rid of that but its just one of the things about RND zs that cant be changed

Not really, the ($> ZS server has a pretty good way with the fall/prop damage.

Is there some kind of inter-server rivalry here?
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 03:41:39 PM by Admiral Ackbar »

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2010, 10:30:20 PM »
set mp_falldamage to 0 lol

you just lose some hp when falling no big deal

but falling like 2=1 meters in zs and dying is getting old lol.

O <Guy
   | < 1 meter
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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2010, 12:22:19 AM »
1.Deffinatly fix the fall death,like on reactor,when I fall all the way from the top to the bottom I dont die,but when I fall down from the broken staircases which are only like 6 meters I die     2.Ammo regen needs more ammo    3.Yes do a HEV overlay for the health bar   4.prop death needs fixing like if i just tap one of those brown edged tables at the bottom of it on 4ngry i explode and die   5.crossbow is WAAAAYYY to weak,at least one hit kill per shot since its 1 bullet reload   6.health chargers might need just a tad faster regen  7.smg ammo NEVER regens,make it regen after every ammo regen,instead of having to wait 5 ammo regens to get an smg regen   8.fuck balls

Offline Majoras mask

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2010, 12:37:25 AM »
Why does everyone say the crossbow is weak, I've killed 4+zombies with 1 bolt.
you got it

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2010, 12:40:50 AM »
Why does everyone say the crossbow is weak, I've killed 4+zombies with 1 bolt.
Because they fail at using it.
Leon, your "suggestions" would just make it so much easier for humans. Crossbow can be good when used right, health stations are JUST fine and if you really want SMG ammo, just drop all your weapons except the SMG. It's not hard.

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2010, 02:20:40 AM »
I am agreed with p 1,4,5,6
As example of assist look at Stoned Potato Zombie Survival(2 assists=1 frag,player killed zombie getting frag and player hitted zombie before getting one assist).
mp_falldamage 1 is not good. But with mp_falldamage 0 fasties will lose chances to push someone down and kill instantly.

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2010, 06:39:41 AM »
My view of "Assist":
- the killer will get a full kill
- the guy that did the assist will get half the kill. If he assists again, he will gain a normal kill

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2010, 09:19:29 AM »
First i'll start with. some people are working on making a new ZS as we speak.

1. Make the HEV charge actually WORK (so that people who have 10HP left in a map without an HP Machine and get ten kills and get hEV charge won't be like FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU-).

It works fine for me, if you mean make it refill you completely, Then no thats just bull i'm pretty sure right not it gives 1/2 which is just fine.

2. Annabelle and Crossbow are ridiculously underpowered. The crossbow is, what, a 35 kill weapon and it can't kill a fast zombie in one hit? And the Annabelle can't even kill a wraith in one hit! Glock and Deagle are still underpowered, but not as much. Before you say "pros are good with glock/deagle",I'm really good with those two handguns (in ZS), but it's still really annoying to put up with them.

it's a cross bow you can't expect much, Realistically it should be the weakest weapon it's just there for the fun of it i do agree with the anna tho, The DE is fine I have no problem 1-2 shot kills on zombies i shot... the glock is also fine its a close ranged weapon and should only work at close range therefore its perfect

3. Ammo regen SUCKS. ESPECIALLY the SMG ammo regen. I'm going to put it this way: ALL the upgraded handguns (Magnum, Glock, Deagle) get more than one clip per ammo regen (but still, come on, a clip and a half per minute is very frustrating). One SMG gets a whole clip per ammo regen, another might as well get just one clip per ammo (an extra two bullets! oh boy!), and the other two take two ammo regens for a single and a little extra. Please, fix this.

i have no problem with ammmo regen learn not to spray

4. The fall damage/prop damage. I can't even begin to stress how bad it is. The fact that you die if 1) you fall 15 feet   2) If the prop you're standing on makes the slightest nudge is the main argument for my sister on why her favorite server is better than mine (I like the RND ZS because it feels more realistic than ($> ZS, but that's about it).

Well don't jump off stuff or stand on props.

5. FUCKING ASSISTS. DO YOU KNOW THEM? The only way to get kills on ZS is to wait until someone ALMOST kills a zombie and then shooting it. Because otherwise you're wasting 18 bullets into a Zombie just to have someone else shoot it. It's annoying as hell. And yes, assists WOULD fix this, Mr. Green for example doesn't have killstealer en masse. >_>

Yes, and its coming in the new ZS from what i heard

6. Fix animations.

Blame Garry for that he fucked them up with his updates, Coolz been tring to fix them without any luck i might add.
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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2010, 10:05:16 AM »
Why does everyone say the crossbow is weak, I've killed 4+zombies with 1 bolt.

you need skill to use it thats why

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2010, 01:24:59 PM »
Shawn, be quiet.
RND doesn't use the newest ZS, afaik it's based on ZS 2.0.1 or something. Assists aren't COMING, they're already THERE on all ZS servers except the RND ones.

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Re: So ZS needs an update
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2010, 01:34:39 PM »
Shawn, be quiet.
RND doesn't use the newest ZS, afaik it's based on ZS 2.0.1 or something. Assists aren't COMING, they're already THERE on all ZS servers except the RND ones.
ey hey hey we update it sometimes

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