im assuming u were the like 1 out the 3 guys i banned a while ago for prop killing itchy thats why u got such a fail grudge against me, ur making it worse for urself to cuz i playe diwth u and ur fine in game
Nope lol, I never prop kill

(except someone I know, and even then I ask them first. usually they say no


Or Glitch

Or anything really

I just have to stick up for the people that get "trololololaughed" at because sometimes there
are abusers. Sometimes there aren't.
If you go back and read ANY of my posts, you'll see that what I really said was that I don't know you personally, but I have seen you ban people before with little warning, and also you're less than polite in-game sometimes.
I know that what everyone else says just kinda makes you look bad, but I don't know you that well so I can't say. The one thing I know for certain is that this reputation did not just appear one day. YOU did something to make people think of you this way. I have no idea what, but that's none of my bussiness.
I have no problem with you. I think you'd make a great admin, with training. I have not, however, been amazed by your performance either. If you want people to respect you, the first key is to respect others as well.