Other Shiz > Boneyard

arggg being a general douche and abusing respected

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First of all, I was referring to you as a newfag on this website/group.
Second of all, quit being so fucking serious /facepalm.


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on July 12, 2010, 06:10:08 PM ---LOL

First of all, I was referring to you as a newfag on this website/group.
Second of all, quit being so fucking serious /facepalm.

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So, one of the reasons why I am being ridiculed on this forum is because I am a newer member than some of you guys? That makes me feel as if this forum is somewhat biased in their judgements.


--- Quote from: argggg on July 12, 2010, 06:14:54 PM ---So, one of the reasons why I am being ridiculed on this forum is because I am a newer member than some of you guys? That makes me feel as if this forum is somewhat biased in their judgements.

--- End quote ---
No, it's because you're a newer, ignorant member. There's a large difference. New people are welcome. Constantly ignorant ones, no.


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on July 12, 2010, 06:17:33 PM ---No, it's because you're a newer, ignorant member. There's a large difference. New people are welcome. Constantly ignorant ones, no.

--- End quote ---
How come you call me ignorant when you don't even consider my side of the story at all? You make the assumption that Itchy is right and Argggg is wrong. You don't seem very open-minded or fair.

Wait this thread is still going? >.>

Yeah uhm sorry arggg but:
1. I didn't 'start it.' I muted you because you were really rude and loud, but other than that, nada.
2. If you seriously want to be part of this community, then follow the rules and don't be a dick. We don't like dicks here (except for frank and deathward?)
3. I still have no idea what you mean when you say I 'abuse respected'


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