Other Shiz > Boneyard

arggg being a general douche and abusing respected

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aggg was basically propkilling me, accusing me of 'attempting to propkill' and votekicking me for no real reason.

We votebanned him twice, but he apparently has multiple cracked steam accounts with gmod on them.
So yeah, I recorded one demo, but he didn't do much other than accusing me of attempting to propkill in that one. I DO, however, have lots of witnesses.

This is a screenshot taken after we banned him the second time (and as you can see he's rejoining)
You can refer to anyone in the list for a witness.

It's also worth noting that any time immediately after he killed someone as traitor (or when he prop killed me) as well as at other times, we were experiencing extreme amounts of lag.

Some people claimed that arggg was DDoSing the server, but noone has any proof. Not surprisingly, arggg blamed the lag on me.
In addition to all of this, he was being generally disrespectful to other players and made everyone grumble and complain.

I only votekicked itchy once for propkilling. I tried to do it back to him then he kept trying to ban me. If anything, itchy should loose his respected for starting the whole thing.

I started one kick on you, but the lag stopped it.
I started one ban on you, and that one passed.
Mebins started one ban on you, and that one passed.

I didn't propkill once, or for that matter hit anyone with a prop. Much less target someone.

You caused significant damage to a particular player when you were throwing props around. I took that as attempting to propkill so I started a votekick on you. You were disrupting gameplay.

Well, I happen to be a witness (hey look its me in the picture!) and you were mic spamming in the earlier map. Then at De_Dust2 you were grabbing props quite often. But to be honest, since I was scared of getting prop killed, I kept running away from you. So I never knew what you were doing with them.
And how did you keep coming back instantly after two 60-minute bans? Did you crack Steam? Did you hack the server?


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