Other Shiz > Boneyard

arggg being a general douche and abusing respected

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How was I mic spamming? Itchy was being rude to me so I said "fuck you". Obviously, you guys are plotting against me. There is nothing wrong with grabbing props.


--- Quote from: argggg on July 12, 2010, 01:24:16 PM ---How was I mic spamming? Itchy was being rude to me so I said "fuck you". Obviously, you guys are plotting against me. There is nothing wrong with grabbing props.

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I lol'd, plotting against him lolololol, sounds obvious that Itchy and John are telling the truth, but my opinion won't really change anything lol =P


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on July 12, 2010, 01:26:25 PM ---I lol'd, plotting against him lolololol, sounds obvious that Itchy and John are telling the truth, but my opinion won't really change anything lol =P

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None of this other crap would have happened if Itchy didn't get all butthurt when I started a votekick on him for attempting to propkill


--- Quote from: argggg on July 12, 2010, 01:24:16 PM ---How was I mic spamming? Itchy was being rude to me so I said "fuck you". Obviously, you guys are plotting against me. There is nothing wrong with grabbing props.

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In what way was he being rude? And how is saying "fuck you" any polite?


--- Quote from: JohnCyKlopZ on July 12, 2010, 01:31:35 PM ---In what way was he being rude? And how is saying "fuck you" any polite?

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If people are being rude to me I retaliate. Itchy was being grumpy in general, he was kind of disrupting gameplay for me. I believe he started the whole thing but I don't think he should loose his respected.


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