mokey.. err he was a minge kinda...
ye i had my account hacked before... they deleted my F'ING 119 FRIENDS!?!, but i got it back... haxorz cant beat their own kind.
Yeah wenorite im kinda minge sometimes cuz if i got bored i will really spam so much props and stuff.
NOTE: I change my name and not hacked, I was playing on someone trolollolol not Eddy. And yeah i was spamming shiz at eddy trololol and other friends becuz i got bored
EDIT: I REALLY ADMIT THAT IM A LITTLE MINGENIGGER trololol but sometimes i get srs.
i use a 42 digit password with capitals when sites/programs allow me to 
otherwise i use a weaksauce password
btw who is monkey? i must know ._.
teh pingaz pwning SCREAMING LIKE HELL guy in TTT, ZS, WS and Wire Build

and hating the guys who doesn't know how to read correctly -_-