SteamID: STEAM_0:1:31551065
Name: "DGAF BR"
Server: TTT
Witnesses: in the screen shot
When: 4:20 ish am PST
Details: 5 of us in the server and Dgaf starts raging and then changes his name to [vG] Polishhotdog (two spaces between the tag and name)
In the screen shot it shows me asking him many times to change it back. He then changes it to [vG]Polishhotdog with no spaces
I asked him one last time, he told me to suck it so we vote kicked him, the other 3 all voted yes.
Please correct me if I am wrong that having your name the same as another player is the same as changing your name to nobody or somebody.
5 minutes later he comes back and the first thing he does is votekicks me... revenge votekicking even when he was in the wrong? thats a big no no.
He continues to talk smack and target kill me for the next 3 rounds.
I only got one screen shot of him target killing me but it was the first kill of the round, right as the round started.
I remember sanders saying that terrorist MUST draw first blood before anyone else is killed.
Requesting removal of respected status.
(INB4 sabbath's comments of doucheness)