Other Shiz > Boneyard

ANOTHER respected abuser - DGAF BRO "DGAF BR" STEAM_0:1:31551065

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Whats going on between wesker and sabb?

This is pretty good evidence, but I am hesitant to take respected away. Let me talk to him first.

He is just going to bitch and say I was in the wrong. These kids with respected need to be filtered out


--- Quote from: Grimreaper on July 15, 2010, 10:19:36 PM ---well whats the verdict  8). I'm not a kid I'm 18 Bro. This game i do admit to changing my name so what get over it. I no damn well that their was at least more then 2-3 people that did the same thing to other players in that same game with us, doesn't make it right for me personal I don't give a shit. changing my name to someone else's doesn't mean i was trying to ghost. personal i think your an idiot and needs to quit his childish bitching. Sanders wasn't i in a game were we all changed are name to yours i think so well anyway.

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Lol your grammar made me face palm a lot... I can't take your comment seriously.


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on July 15, 2010, 10:50:29 PM ---Lol your grammar made me face palm a lot... I can't take your comment seriously.

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