Other Shiz > Boneyard

ANOTHER respected abuser - DGAF BRO "DGAF BR" STEAM_0:1:31551065

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♠DGAF Bro♠:
Is that all you got :laugh:. Like I said if an admin wants to come talk to me then come talk to me.

Nothing is going to be done.


--- Quote from: Кгձรհεг on July 21, 2010, 07:58:47 PM ---Nothing is going to be done.

--- End quote ---
What he said.

Alright this isn't a clear-cut case of abuse. More like a whining fight that ended in the use of the votekick system.

A few points of notice:

1. I'm not even sure changing your name to imitate someone else is even against the rules...
2. You both acted poorly

I really don't see anything here that warrents us taking action.

--- Quote from: jimonions on July 19, 2010, 04:19:25 PM ---He acted like a spoiled 10yr old brat, using explicit language and claiming that rdm is always allowed (even killing a lone innocent when you yourself are an  innocent, and not even checking the body?) Theres something called spectator mode.

at least take away his respected.

--- End quote ---

Honestly I don't understand why everyone gets so bent out of shape about this. Rdm IS against the rules of the TTT gameplay, So it is punished by the game as a loss of Karma. It is not really against the rules of the Rnd servers with a few exceptions. Such as harassment of a player, or killing your fellow terrorists.

Even so, this would equate to the person getting banned for a period of time, not a loss of respected.

However the 10 y/o whining part is thoroughly not recommended, but hardly worth reporting in the forums, if someone gets super whiny and starts yelling and curseing, i'd personally just vote-kick them since they need a chance to cool off for a bit. FFS its video game after all, you are supposed to find this fun.


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