blah stupid
Shawn's Moderator Application
So i'm applying to a Moderator because I'm tired of all the spam and we do have alot of that going around, mind you i'm not a complete asshole who would delete every post. I know how to let others have their fun or blow off stem (Hell i spam a little here and there once in awhile) I'm talking about the complete spam that makes no sence what so ever.
I'm aware that there are other mods but lets face it either some of them don't care and the ones that do are overwhelmed with too much work. So i just wanna help out a bit

Name: Shawn (also IGM name)
Steam name: Shawnchapp02
DoB: 28th/02/1989
Qualifications: I've been a mod on many Forum Boards, I've even owned a few in the past. Links included
RUMARBHabHopGuidelines i will follow (Not to the letter so don't worry Lol)
1)SWEARING: Try to refrain from swearing needlessly, and above all, repetitively. I understand that swear words can help get a point across, or show a certain emotion, but there is a limit.
I have nothing wrong with swearing just don't use it ever second word.
2)SPAMMING: "Spam" is icky, and its creators are treated like lepers - Spam is one or more messages posted by the same person within a small time frame that all have substantially identical content. Double-posting, asking the same question in several places.
Meaning you keep double posting i'mma kick your butt Lol
3)FLAMING: "Flaming" is not tolerated - A flame is a deliberate personal attack (including insults and threats) directed at a site guest, member, or group of members. Having a civilized discussion, or having different opinions is perfectly fine.
Once the thread has become totally derailed and its a bunch of children yelling at each other I'mma lock the thread.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
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