Frank's Global Moderator Application♠ Name: Frank
♠ Time in rANdOm: Since March the 29Th, 2009.
♠ Times active: Almost all my free time, as long as I have access to Internet.
♠ Time Zone: GMT -3
♠ Steam Name: frankRND
♠ Experience: 1. Spanish discussion section since its creation.
2. Mod of the RuneScape section of a forum.
♠ Why do I want to be a Global Moderator: 1. Even though there already are many Global Moderators, most of them are inactive or aren't online when I am.
2. I want to help this community as much as I can.
3. I want to keep the forums clean while maintaining the fun.
4. Sometimes the Global Mods have too many things to do for their amount.
♠ How to contact me: 1. Steam Account Name: frankRND
2. Hot Mail/MSN: mail to:*****
♠ Cool shiz I thought about to kinda stop or lower the disturbing spamz/offtopicness: 1. We guys(every fucking body), spam a lot and talk offtopic even more. So I was thinking... We LOVE doing it(don't lie ye faggots), so why not hide it? For example, a topic about certain video, post something that HAS TO DO with the topic, and if you wanna say shit that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE VIDEO, you put it in a spoiler. That way, we can save a lot of space in each page, and not bother so much.
Just a little opinion