SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31294371
Name: Dex
Server: TTT
Witnesses: the ones in the screen shot
When: july 8, 1140 PST
Details: Me and Dex where the traitor in lost temple. I went into the room with the 2 buttons that light up red when an Innocent is in the room and lights up green when a T is in there.
The left button turns red, I push it and I hear people die. I go to check out who I got and next thing I know, dex is changing his name telling everyone im the T because I "team killed" him....
There were 3 people dead in there, 2 I's and a T. It not my fault the map messed up or the light doesn't turn green when he comes in.
If you look in the screen shot, he even laughs about it after I got killed.
I am requesting removal of his respected status.