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Virus bullshit!

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Dude, seriously. Do you even want to get rid of that?
Just let Spybot make ONE_SINGLE_SCAN.
It will get it, and it will remove it. And if you can't use it because you don't get it, you deserve the virus.


--- Quote from: Frostie on July 02, 2010, 11:58:56 PM ---How did you even get this? Were you watching pronz and stumbled upon some bad stuph when you clicked on free download barely legal??

Jk. No seriously I've had this before, the only way i got rid of it was running in safe mode and running spybot search and destroy and work at it from there. If that fails then do a system restore. Or at least restore back to a restore point.

--- End quote ---
I was using Google a wile back, and I was searching something clicked a link and it took me to a different site then advertised, it must have had h4x virus on the site, I did not download pornz. I only watch Pingaz on trusted sites.


ITS STILL NOT FIXED!@!@#$! FUX spybot! also for shits and giggels look at this after scan screeny (the highlited one is a huge facepalm!) :

Ok I found a temporary fix for it here:

basically it blocks the processes iexplore.exe when it pops up automatically so pwn... Ive tried spybot and every thing to no avail.

ever try looking in your temp file in in your windows folder? i once had a virus in their.


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