Other Shiz > Boneyard

Seb [AdmiralAckbarFT XBL] abuse

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Alright Enough

There seems to be some confusion about whats going on here. You were originally blacklisted almost a month ago, you were supposed to have your respected powers removed then, but due to some confusion and mis-communication on our part, your respected rights weren't removed.

You should have been able to reapply for respected on the 5th of this month.

Since it was our fault things got messed up ill only extend your blacklisting a week or so.

So feel free to reapply for respected on the 19th of this month.

Majoras mask:

--- Quote from: lolwut on July 02, 2010, 05:12:52 PM ---Actually I support him with the banning mic-spammer's rule.

There's something called Windows Media Player or an Ipod. Use it.

--- End quote ---
There's a thing called a mute button... Use it.

devvybabe ♥:
Oh wow this again, I remember burthebigchode who was the last human in deathgarage and you voteBANNED him,...

There's more times that you abused your respected than you think.

And another thing, cading people out isn't a bannable reason. It happens everyday, In every zs server. Also the mic spam, there's this thing called the mute button. Works so epically with me.

Maybe one day "being last human and winning" will also be a legit bannable reason to you-oh wait.

Tomcat, you fool. Why'd you give his respected back :(   

» Magic «:
Admiral Akbar is on the respected void list how the f-


>banned for mic-spamming


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