Other Shiz > Boneyard

Seb [AdmiralAckbarFT XBL] abuse

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--- Quote from: lolwut on July 02, 2010, 05:12:52 PM ---Actually I support him with the banning mic-spammer's rule.

There's something called Windows Media Player or an Ipod. Use it.

--- End quote ---

But a ban?

Cake Face:
Well a kick at the most, but not a ban.

But seriously, I should get my respected back.


--- Quote from: Admiral Ackbar on July 02, 2010, 05:07:31 PM ---So I'M the respected that gets demoted because I'M the one who got caught?

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Duh, how are we suppose to know of the others who kick for no reason? if we don't have proof or anyone to come forward we can't do anything about it. maybe you should lurk some more tho, Because lots of people have been demoted for what you have done. your argument is so childish to

"So i get in trouble because i got caught"

Maybe instead of kicking for wrong reasons you'll change your mind to like this "maybe if i set a good example, just maybe others will follow my lead.

Two wrongs DON"T make a right


--- Quote from: Admiral Ackbar on July 02, 2010, 04:58:20 PM ---Come on.


TWO: That was the SECOND time he did it.

THREE: He caded out Punisher, Crypto, and a bunch of other people.

FOUR: I've never abused my respected (apart from the MotA incident, but, hey, you learn from your mistakes).

ANYBODY would've votebanned (or probably kicked) him here. The only unreasonable ban in this report is me banning the mic spammer, which should've been a kick.

--- End quote ---

you had him banned for wanting to win?
ABUSE! i demand teh perma ban >:O
or slap him in the cock with a fly swatter. its fun to watch[/spoiler]

Abuse, yes it is. But that would be a crap reason to perma-ban someone. Demanding people get Perma'd now that seems like a better reason to get banned  >:(    -X


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