Other Shiz > Boneyard

DDOS Hacker attempt.

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--- Quote from: hkill415 on June 28, 2010, 07:39:17 AM ---fuckyoufortellingthehackerwhattodonowhecannevergetbannedgdgsgsfgsgsgfdgdeaewrtryrey

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lrn2read, afaik the new system kicks/bans by SteamID, not by IP. Therefore, I don't think you can evade this one that easy.

You can just change your ip through windows cmd prompt cant you?


--- Quote from: jimonions on June 28, 2010, 05:19:26 PM ---You can just change your ip through windows cmd prompt cant you?

--- End quote ---
umm idk i dont think u can

k i looked it up and you only get your old ip back. isnt that the same with just restarting the router?

Most isp's use the DHCP protocol to assign IP's, so the lowest #erd IP available will be supplied to you when you reconnect to them, hence why your IP changes when you restart your router and therefore request a new connection from them. However doing this tends to only change the last three digits of your ip So if we really wanted someone to be gone for a while, all we would have to do is ban all the ip's 1-255 of the  187.54.589.XXX (replace the xxx with 1-255 and ban them all) That would at least keep them off our servers until the isp decides his house needs to be routed through a different switch.

The only thing more we could do is reject all people from a certain internet provider, though this might be rather impractical if the person uses a large ISP but would sure as hell make the ban permanent, at least until he switches ISP's.


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