Other Shiz > Boneyard
DDOS Hacker attempt.
Who: #44 "Itchyman" Steam 0:0:31049443
When: 3:45PM, 6/23/10
Where: TTT
Witnesses: Masshu, Kakashi, Sheeps
After being an overall ass to the server on cs_office, this kid (you could tell from his micspamming) starts to brag about how he's able to crash the server. I tried to lure more out of him, but the pic was all I got. Next map, while he was holding up the round on cs_assault by being in the glitch spot and unfairly killing multiple people, he was unanimously vote kicked. About 30 seconds to 1 minute later, the server starts to lag pretty badly. It's fairly obvious that this kid got so butthurt that he decided to test his DDoS attack. It was pretty bad for an attack, but it's still a threat and should be dealt with accordingly.
Just a second opinion here: He constanly mic-spams, and if I recall, he admitted to being a girl. :s
Make sure the admins dont confuse this guy for itchydani3l. Admin was on earlier, and almost banned him, but if me and waffle managed to stop him.
The Southern Cross:
lol i actually made him almost cry once mma remember teh lines
fag is itchyman
cross is meh i use that name sometimes (The Southern Cross) REMEBER IT
fag: i will crash this server
cross: orly?
fag: yes i know now shutup or i will crash thi server
cross: orly?
fag: shut up
cross: orly?
fag: stop
cross: orly?
fag: thats it im crashing this server
cross: then do it bish
: im waiting......
fag: damn server crasher isnt working.....
: your lucky i cant crash it right now....
cross: orly?
: you have a mangina do you
itchy: im going now bye guys
cross: noones gonna miss you bish:/
itchy: just shupup already man i wWILL crash this server when i have a chance and laugh at your face
cross: orly?
itchy: IM GOING
fag has left the game
cross: lol ragequit
some other guy: lol
Lol fail.
I want to see this kid to be warned or something.
epic win falconspace :D he actually said bye?
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