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Another problem with my new PC >.<
» Magic «:
You really dont know shit about computers do you....
--- Quote from: «-= Magic =-» on June 23, 2010, 10:45:18 AM ---You really dont know shit about computers do you....
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No, its just that I got this new computer 3 fucking weeks ago and today was the first time I was able to actually use it lol and I became sick like 1 hour after I got it back (perfect timing >.<) so I'm too scared to do/try anything lawl
--- Quote from: «-= Magic =-» on June 23, 2010, 10:45:18 AM ---You really dont know shit about computers do you....
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And on a lighter note i just had a fucking earthquake!!!!
--- Quote from: Shawn on June 23, 2010, 10:50:59 AM ---o.o
And on a lighter note i just had a fucking earthquake!!!!
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LOL, strong one? We have like 1-4 earthquakes every year, usually they are very small earthquakes lol
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 23, 2010, 10:53:30 AM ---LOL, strong one? We have like 1-4 earthquakes every year, usually they are very small earthquakes lol
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Shock my whole house i had to hold the dishes from falling and a wall unit fell almost hit the baby :( thank god it didn't
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