Hello .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. users,
I've been pretty hooked on your servers for the last few days,

. Figured I better get on the forums and become known around here, if I'm to move forward or meet new people haha.
I'll make my intro short and sweet, cuz' I know half of you won't read a wall of text.

My name is PILOT not CoL Pilot, if you've seen me in game, you've probably called me CoL Pilot. The CoL part of my name is actually part of my clan tag, '=BTD=CoL'. I'm the Co-Leader of the clan 'Build to Death', which is a BF2 Sandbox Community, since 2006.
Anyway, I love building. I've just recently took a liking to wire, and begun using my skill to create cool contraptions. I've even duplicated the almighty mouse-guided turret

. (I'm no minge!!)
Because I enjoy building, I also enjoy the sled build servers. I love new gamemodes haha. I've played TTT with you guys quite a lot, so I wouldn't be surprised if any of you recongize me. Pretty good people in this community.
Contact details.. last part... I think I've said enough about myself for now. If you want to know more, talk to me ingame or on Steam!
Steam Friend Name: pilotdeath
Steam Nickname: =BTD=CoL Pilot
Youtube: http://youtube.com/xpilotdeathxBest way to contact me is through Steam. Add me and I'll make sure I speak with you.
I'm hoping to also recieve respected status on the servers!