Well... Mr.Franklin is here to save the day! see the point is... TBoy205 doesn't understand how easy it is to get respected in our community, its a good thing you have restrictions on our wire build server, so minges would not over prop the server, though it wont crash, but it will be a disturbance to you when you are creating something. Personally i think their are no major changes really needed to wirebuild. the easiest thing a minge could do to adv props is just make a application to become respected on the forum. Also, about the Administration problem, you dont really need a admin online to get rid of the minges or props, you could use tools to blast away the props. You just need a respected on to either vote kick or vote ban a minge from the server. The Admins have a life just like we all do, its not like they are on when we are on. You have to understand, a lot of people are in different time zones.