The names Nick aka Grimreaper, I am 18 years senior at a school called Will c. wood i no its a funny name but its what ever.I usually play after school 3 tell 9 nonstop, i play at least 24hours of the weekends. Random is the first server i play on and the best Ive played on and i LOVE the community. Most of the time well all of the time i play Flood cuz its the best sometimes ill play Build or SledBuild. Reason for wanting to be respected is because a lot of people are just plain assholes even some of the respected ones i don't understand why everyone cant play nice i mean come on plus i hate those who break the rules their not their as guide lines their their for a reason so they need to follow them and ill help enforce that to the best of my abilities. so i hope you like my app. and respect me.