Entertainment > Funny Stuffz
guy getting hit with ray gun to bad they didn't know it caused cancer
ill make one in build lol
--- Quote from: Tomcat on June 22, 2010, 11:18:51 AM ---ill make one in build lol
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Lol, that thing is nice, though the army should start use anti-matter nukes =P (vewy beeg esplosions)
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 22, 2010, 12:00:48 PM ---Lol, that thing is nice, though the army should start use anti-matter nukes =P (vewy beeg esplosions)
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Do you know what would happen...
Anti-Matter <Touch> Matter
It a baaad day.
Psh its just gamma rays + NRG get over it. It will only give you cancer and or vaporize your hand (depending on the amount of material).
No big deal or anything. It only happens in the sun (where it can be upwards of a million kelvin) all the time
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 22, 2010, 12:00:48 PM ---Lol, that thing is nice, though the army should start use anti-matter nukes =P (vewy beeg esplosions)
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Not really, you would need an anti-matter bomb the size of mount everest at the center of the planet to destroy Earth. Yea its not that big of a boom if you need that much. Think if you filled mount everest with nukes, that would be much bigger.
lolwut a Random vid:
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