This forum is for my enjoyment.

You can post ANY compliant you have here. Even if it is about panda bears.
People who point out real problems might get a constructive and positive response. Otherwise your likely to be ridiculed and ignored or punished in some way.
Fucking panda bears. Where did they get the fucking license to be black and white. How the hell is that fucking useful. They live in fucking China and shit and they are black and white. Arent animals and shit supposed to blend in. What the fuck is that dumbass panda thinking. I think that pinhead is the short bus kinda guy. Fucking retard. And why the hell do they eat bamboo. Thats like eating trees. What the hell kind of animal eats trees. That shit is inedible or something you assface. Don't eat it. You sound like my retard cat that likes to eat poisonous plants. You are such as dumbass you panda bear and you make me lose faith in evolution. Ill add more stuff later.
About that bamboo. I just read on wikipedia that fucking panda bear has the digestive tract of a carnivore. Why is this fatass eating trees. He gets like no damn nutrition out of it yet he eats it anyways. I bet its just so he can be a lazy ass and sit around all day. Go do something productive you failure. Like mating or something.
While we are on the subject. I've read that these stupid animals are often reluctant to mate. What the hell is your problem panda. Do you fucking want to die. Even when those zoo fags show stupid panda sum panda porn and give it panda viagra (I am not lying about either of those things), fucking dumbass animal is still reluctant to mate. What the hell. This lard ass eats fucking trees and hates to mate, even with pr0n.
What a fail animal.