SteamID: STEAM_0:0:32110193
Name: G4M3R
Information: Was prob killing, RDMing me many times, killing AFK's at the start of the rounds, and causing crap with others
Server: TTT server
Video: it can be downloaded here After sanders left, all this kid did was run his mouth and break rules. Most of the people in the server at the time were other brit kids that seem to be his friends.
I tried to votekick him for it but they all voted no and telling me to "fuck off americunt"; racism as well....
As you can tell in the picture, his karma was low as he was RDMing the ones that were not his friends.
In the demo is shows him prop killing
Witnesses: many but most of them are british like him and they all seem to be friends.
When: 0230 pst, june 18 2010
Please perm ban this kid. Thank you