Hello everyone, im Gboorka91 from hungary (dont worry i speak english very well). Im playing gmod since 2008, and this summer i started expereiencing all the mods, serversides, source sdk

! I found the randoms server by random:D, and i stayed here because it has many servers and mods, and if a sever is full i can try another one! I usually can be found in most of my online play time on Sledgebuild and Flood, butsometimes i play the 2 survivals and the build ones! I wonder if sledgebuild needs an admin though... You can use my experience in the following things related to gmod: Mapping, Wire, Spacebuild/RD3/LS3, Posing or Scene Recording. I always have some cool ideas to try so maybe you find me mad experiencing with sledges all day long

My Name here is Gboorka91, on steam Gboorka91, in game Gboorka91[HUN] . Hope thats enough, i dont wanted to waste your time showing off my hobbies as well